Indoor Air Quality Articles

Why You Need Whole-House Humidity

October 30, 2024
HVAC technician performing maintenance on a heat pump.

According to the Mayo Clinic, keeping your home’s indoor humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent is ideal.

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How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?

July 30, 2024
How Can You Manage Your Home's Humidity? Person wiping condensation off of a window indoors

Indoor humidity is a drag. It makes relaxing extremely difficult—after all, you are sweating inside your home! It can affect your health, triggering asthma attacks and flaring allergies. It tends to put everyone in a sluggish mood—even the goldfish. Let’s zap that excess moisture right out of the room, and look at ways to manage your Colorado home’s relative indoor humidity.

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What are Zone Control Systems?

April 29, 2024
The love between a mother and daughter is forever: a smiling Asian female embracing her mother while they are looking away.

If you have a large home with multiple stories or a large household with family members who prefer different temperatures, consider installing a zone control system.

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Video – Duct Cleaning Can Reduce Allergies

November 25, 2023
Video - Duct Cleaning Can Reduce Allergies. Woman in a blanket on the phone.

Your home’s air ducts connect to your heating and cooling system, which carries all the air in your home. When you are breathing your home’s air, it is optimal for the traveling air to be as clean as possible, because it carries particles or debris that will settle in the ducts and carry it straight to you. Having clear air ducts is one of the primary things that contribute to good indoor air quality (IAQ), which the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states is a prime concern in relation to pollutants in the home.

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What Are Air Scrubbers?

September 12, 2023
What Are Air Scrubbers? Dad and two kids dancing and jumping in living room.

These days, you cannot help but think more about killing germs, staying healthy, and paying a little extra attention to personal hygiene. Given that most of us spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, effectively destroying viruses and bacteria is now very relevant to all of our lives. Air scrubbers use the latest advancements in residential indoor air quality (IAQ) technology to keep your Colorado home healthy and safe.

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How to Go Green With Your HVAC System

March 15, 2023
Young girl laying in the grass holding a little toy home.

By choosing environmentally friendly systems for your Westminster home, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and can even save money. Help the environment while also benefiting yourself—who wouldn’t want that?

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How a Whole-House Humidifier Keeps You Healthy

November 15, 2022
Image of someone sitting back on their couch. How a Whole-House Humidifier Keeps You Healthy.

There are many advantages to adding a whole-house humidifier to your Colorado home. Adding a humidifier can increase the comfort level in your home and lower your annual energy expenses.

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